Air Canada Update on ALPA talks
Jun 01, 2024

Air Canada provided the following updates on its ongoing negotiations for a new collective agreement with the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA), which represents Air Canada’s more than 5,000 pilots.

June 1, 2024: ALPA announces intent to file for conciliation

Air Canada today provided the following comment in response to the announcement by the Air Line Pilots Association’s (ALPA), that it intends to seek Federal Government assisted conciliation in their ongoing contract negotiations. ALPA has notified Air Canada of its decision to terminate the voluntary bargaining protocol under which the parties have been negotiating since January 2024 (see below for details) and will file for conciliation when the 14-day notice period is expired. 

Air Canada has worked hard and in good faith to reach a new collective agreement with ALPA under the bargaining protocol and the talks conducted under the bargaining protocol led to significant progress. Despite ALPA’s decision to terminate that mediated process, Air Canada remains committed to achieve a fair, negotiated agreement with ALPA that will confirm its position as the leading employer of choice for Canadian pilots. Air Canada will pursue this objective over the next several months under the normal bargaining process set out under the Canada Labour Code. For this reason, customers can continue to book and travel with confidence on Air Canada. 

Under the Labour Code, a party seeking conciliation must first file a notice seeking conciliation. There is then generally a period of up to 15 days before a conciliator is appointed, after which conciliated negotiations will continue, typically for a period of 60 days. If no agreement is reached, this is followed by a 21-day cooling-off period.

For more information on the bargaining process please see

February 15, 2024: Agreement on a bargaining protocol

Air Canada today provided the following update on its ongoing negotiations for a new collective agreement with the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA), which represents Air Canada’s more than 5,000 pilots.

We are pleased to have agreed in January on a bargaining protocol with ALPA that creates a framework for continued, constructive bargaining between the parties. Both sides committed to working with an experienced mediator, Bill Kaplan. This gives Air Canada customers certainty and the ability to book with full confidence for the important summer travel period when many Canadians are enjoying their hard-earned vacations.

The protocol agreement between ALPA and Air Canada is also beneficial to all employee and other stakeholder groups, as our business will to continue operating normally as we work toward a new contract with our pilot group.

Air Canada remains committed to reaching a fair and equitable collective agreement with ALPA that recognizes the contributions of our pilots and supports the competitiveness and long-term growth of our company. We are confident that, with the assistance of a mediator freely chosen and agreed upon by both parties, we can achieve a settlement that is positive for everyone.

Under the protocol agreement, to facilitate the bargaining process both sides have agreed not to file for conciliation. Should an agreement not be reached by June 1, 2024, negotiations may continue but either party will also have the option to notify the other of their intent to terminate the protocol with a 14-day notice period. When that period has expired, the protocol will be terminated and either party can file for government assisted conciliation. The protocol may also be terminated if the mediator declares that the parties have reached an impasse, or by mutual agreement between the parties. Our goal remains to provide our pilots with an improved contract as early as possible by achieving a freely negotiated collective agreement during this mediation process.

Under the Canada Labour Code, a party seeking conciliation must first file a notice of dispute and there is then a period of up to 15 days before a conciliator is appointed, after which negotiations will continue, with typically a 60-day conciliation period, followed if no agreement is reached at this point by a 21-day cooling off period. For more information on this process, please see

September 27, 2023: Expiry of the existing collective agreement

Air Canada remains engaged in productive discussions with ALPA. Although our existing collective agreement expires September 29, 2023, this is a normal part of the bargaining process. Our contract’s provisions remain in effect, and we continue to operate our airline as usual. We are committed to reaching a fair, negotiated settlement with our pilot group.

For information on the bargaining process and timelines please see: